A guide to the main quest in the Fallen Empire expansion and influence gain from conversations. This post contains story spoilers. This a work in progress.[toc]

General Info

How to Start

You will find the mission terminal on your ship. It is marked with a purple icon. You will be asked if you are sure about starting the story when you interact with it.

Cutscene Length

Total cutscene length is around 200 minutes or 3.3 hrs. Actual playtime is roughly twice of that so you can finish the story in about 6-7 hrs watching cutscenes or 3 hrs if you spacebar through everything.

  • Chapter 1: 23 minutes
  • Chapter 2 : 11 minutes
  • Chapter 3: 15 minutes
  • Chapter 4: 27 minutes
  • Chapter 5: 19 minutes
  • Chapter 6: 22.5 minutes
  • Chapter 7: 18.5 minutes
  • Chapter 8: 30 minutes
  • Chapter 9: 26 minutes

Choices and Influence Gain

Some dialogues have choices that will give you influence gain with certain characters that are part of the conversation. They will either approval or disapprove of your choices and you gain amounts of influence with them accordingly (you won't lose influence, just gain less or no influence on disapproval choices). Who approves or disapproves each conversation choice is recorded below.

Chapter 1: The Hunt

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  • 20,302 credits
  • 712456 XP (if you have 30% class story XP boost)
  • Variable amount of LS/DS pts (Max 250)
  • Variable amount of Influence with Darth Marr (Max 400, Min 200)
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of two rating 190 green lightsabers.
  • Meet Darth Marr on the Bridge
Trigger: Darth Marr talking about Republic contribution
Empire Dialogue
  1. They can be reasonable – Darth Marr is intrigued
  2. We'll get by either way – Darth Marr approves
  3. Let the Republic Burn – Darth Marr slightly disapproves
Republic Dialogue
  1. That's not up to me.– Darth Marr disapproves
  2. You're a hard person to trust. – Darth Marr disapproves
  3. No way. – Darth Marr approves
  • Sweep for Boarders
  • Protect the Shield Generator
  • Destroy the Skytroopers
  • Sweep the Port Section
  • Speak to Sergeant Dol
Trigger: Helping Corporal Ralo
  1. I'm going to help them – Corporal Ralo will remember your heroism. Sergeant Dol disapproves. +100 LS points
  2. We can't do anything for them – Corporal Ralo will remember your indifference. Sergeant Dol approves. +100 DS points
  • Defeat the Elite Skytrooper in the Hangar
  • Speak to Sergeant Dol
  • Secure the Turbolasers
  • Defeat the Elite Skytrooper in Turbolaser Control
  • Sweep the Starboard Compartment
  • Get to the Docking Clamp
  • Defeat the Elite Skytrooper in the Docking Area
  • Repair the Docking Clamp.
Trigger: Your companion asking if they should defend or escape
  1. Make a break for it.
  2. Stay and defend Marr's ship
  • Meet Darth Marr in Engineering
  • Get to Main Engineering
  • Defeat the Elite Skytrooper in Engineering
  • Restore Main Power
Trigger: Ram the ship or abandon it
  1. Abandon Ship – Darth Marr disapproves, 150 LS points
  2. Ramming speed! – Darth Marr approves, 150 DS points
Trigger: Talking to Prince Arcann with Darth Marr
  1. First Choice (class dependent) – Darth Marr approves
  2. [Refuse to speak]
  3. Imagine what I'll do to you – Darth Marr approves
  • Follow Arcann
Trigger: Kneel or Defy in front of Valkorion
  1. I accept
  2. Never!

Chapter 2: A Dream of Empire

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  • 20,302 credits
  • 721215 XP (with 30% Class Story XP boost)
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of two rating 190 green offhands
  • In the opening cinematic, you will get a convo with Valkorion with some choices that can gain his approval or disapproval. It doesn't seem to matter here as you do not gain or lose influence with him.
Trigger: Valkorion tells you that you have earned his respect
  1. You've changed
  2. Too bad—I'm not listening
  3. Are you flirting with me? – Valkorion disapproves
Trigger: Valkorion talks about your companions
  1. They still have a cause/One is my lover
  2. [Call out to your allies]
  3. I'd replace some if I could – Valkorion approves
Trigger: Old foes have come to take your life
  1. Nightmares can't hurt me
  2. They'll fail
  3. Come on, then! – Valkorion approves
  • Reach Your Companions
  • Defeat Visions from Your Past
  • Reach Your Companions
Trigger: Valkorion tells you are superior to the fools in charge

Empire Dialogue

  1. First choice (class dependent)
  2. I could make the Empire great – Valkorion disapproves
  3. Then why are we here?

Republic Dialogue

  1. This isn't a dictatorship – Valkorion disapproves
  2. Second choice (class dependent)
  3. I should be in charge
Trigger: This Empire/Republic is not worth saving

Empire Dialogue

  1. You mean Zakuul
  2. We're not allies/I'm listening – Valkorion is amused
  3. The Empire is worth saving – Valkorion disapproves

Republic Dialogue

  1. You mean Zakuul?
  2. There is no "we" – Valkorion is amused
  3. The Republic is worth saving – Valkorion disapproves
  • Reach the Central Taxi Pad
    • Too Little Too Late (Bonus): Revive Fallen Citizens 0/10. 68,035 XP
  • Use the Taxi to Travel to the Citadel
  • Reach the Citadel
  • Defeat Darth Marr (Inquisitor)/Darth Jadus (Agent)/General Garza (Trooper)
Trigger: Darth Marr Inquisitor)
  1. He deserved to live – Valkorion disapproves
  2. It's true, I did – Valkorion approves
  3. You're enjoying all this
Trigger: Darth Jadus (Agent)
  1. Spare me your false flattery – Valkirion disapproves
  2. He never was – Valkirion approves
  3. You're enjoying all this.
Trigger: General Garza (Trooper)
  1. You didn't know her – Valkorion disapproves
  2. She deserved to die – Valkirion approves
  3. Am I seeing the future?
  • Find Valkorion
  • Defeat the Monolith
  • Speak with Valkorion

Chapter 3: Outlander

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  • 20,302 credits
  • 721215 XP (with 30% Class Story XP boost)
  • Variable amount of LS/DS pts
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Lana Beniko
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of two rating 190 green implants
  • Escape to the Security Checkpoint
  • Bypass the Security Door
  • Escape to the Extraction Lift
Trigger: Koth making a quick detour through the tower
  1. Be careful
  2. This seems hastily planned.
  3. You better be, or else/Damn right you will  – Koth disapproves
Trigger: Koth says back with you shortly
  1. How do you know Koth?
  2. Is that your boyfriend, Lana? – Lana is not amused
  3. I don't know about him.. – Lana disapproves
  • Escape to the Skybridge
  • Defeat the Alert Response Team
  • Cross the Skybridge
  • Exit the Droid Factory Lobby
  • Escape the Skytrooper Factory
  • Assess the Reactor's Status
Trigger: Save the reactor or leave it
  1. I'm leaving with a clear mind/I'd rather save lives – Koth remembers your Heroism, Lana disapproves, +150 LS points
  2. It will make good cover/We're staying on mission – Koth remembers your indifference, Lana approves, +150 DS points
    • If you decide to save the reactor
      • Gain Access to the Reactor
      • Use the Reactor Access Console
      • Disable the West Conduit Tower
      • Disable the East Conduit Tower
      • Disable the Master Power Junction
Trigger: Lana talks about your stubbornness
  1. It had to be done.
  2. [Flirt] You were worried – Lana is not amused
  3. Deal with it.
      • Exit the Factory Reactor Catwalks
  • Use the Emergency lift
  • Destroy the Prototype Skytroopers
  • Use the Service Lift
  • Reach the Extraction Point
  • Bypass the Fence Door
  • Escape to the Extraction Point
  • Clear the Extraction Point
Trigger: Talking to Novo
  1. First Choice (class dependent) – Lana approves
  2. Second Choice (class dependent) – Lana disapproves
  3. No (attack them) – Lana approves
  • Defeat Tanek, Defeat Novo
Trigger: Talking to Novo
  1. Let him go – Lana disapproves, 100 LS points
  2. Go ahead, Lana. Kill him – Lana approves, 100 DS points

Chapter 4: The Gravestone

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  • 23,865 credits
  • 771, 601 (with 30% Class Story XP boost)
  • Variable amount of LS/DS pts
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Lana Beniko
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Koth Vortena
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with HK-55
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of two rating 190 green ears
  • Talk to Koth
Trigger: Just like Arron Prime
  1. I need to thank you all. – Lana/Koth approves
  2. You two have some history, huh? – Koth is unusually interested
  3. Set a trap instead – Koth approves
  • Investigate the Technological Object
    • Bonus: Exterminating Wildlife – Defeat Swamp Beasts: 0/25 (16,687 credits, 70,109 XP)
  • Defeat the Swamp Rancor
Trigger: Talking to HK after defeating Swamp Rancor
  1. Don't put me above them – HK approves
  2. Not the easiest job
  3. I outrank everyone else? Good
Picking the I outrank everyone else? Good option above
  1. Agreed – don't change anything.
  2. [Alter HK to obey you at any cost] – HK disapproves
  • Investigate the Technological Object
  • Speak to HK-55
Trigger: Lana talking about destiny
  1. You sound concerned…
  2. Philosophy can wait/Our Power brought us here – Koth approves, Lana disapproves
  3. I don't believe in destiny
  • Clear out the Beasts: 0/6
  • Defeat the Ancient Iknayid Guardian
  • Use the Airlock
Trigger: Koth talking about the Eternal Fleet
  1. Why didn't Valkorion uses the Fleet? – Lana approves
  2. So Arcann is our target.
  3. Can't say I like those odds – Koth disapproves
  • Sidequest: The Broken Speeder located at (4303, –384) in Eastern Swamp
    • Reward: 11,125 credits, 77,996 XP, Boosted Classic Speeder Bike (Brown)

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  • (Help Lana find supplies) Take Readings for Groundwater: 0/3
    • Search an Alternate Site for Groundwater
      • Bonus: Defeat Swamp Beasts in the Southern Grove: 0/10 (16, 687 credits, 63,812 XP)
    • Defeat the Swamp Rancor
    • Search an Alternate Site for Groundwater
    • Speak to Lana
Trigger: Lana talking about Empire/Republic
  1. He could've destroyed both.
  2. Where does the tribute go? – Lana approves
  3. Class specific response – Lana disapproves
Trigger: Lana talking about a power in you
  1. The Emperor is in my mind – Lana appreciates your honesty
  2. [Lie] I havn't changed – Lana stil suspects something
Trigger: Hk-55 advise caution in your return trip
  1. Thank you – HK appreciates
  2. Get back to it – HK will remember your decision
Trigger: HK finding some Zakuulan Exiles (if you are with Lana)
  1. Come with us – Lana disapproves
  2. You're on your own – Lana approves
  • (Help Koth find supplies): Collect Scattered Starship parts: 0/4


    • Investigate Detected Debris Readings
    • Defeat the Iknayid
    • Collect the Fuel Cell
Trigger: Koth talking about Lana
  1. She's right – Koth disapproves
  2. I'm on your side in this – Koth approves
  3. I really don't care – Koth will remember your indifference
Trigger: Koth talking about massacring civilians
  1. You did the right thing – Koth approves
  2. Arcann doesn't have any rules – Koth approves
  3. I'll be watching you – Koth will remember that
Trigger: Koth talking about saving Zakuul from Arcann
  1. I am/Of Course – Koth will remember that
  2. [Flirt] You're a good man – Koth will remember that
  3. Victory is worth any cost/Don't get your hopes up – Koth will remember that
Trigger: Hk-55 advise caution on your return trip
  1. Thank you – HK appreciates it
  2. Get back to it – HK will remember that
Trigger: HK finding some Zakuulan Exiles (if you are with Koth)
  1. Come with us – Koth will remember your kindness, +50 LS points
  2. You're on your own – Koth will remember your cruelty, +50 DS points
Trigger: Picking You're on your own option above
  1. No, we're done here
  2. [Order HK to kill the exiles] – HK 55 disapproves and remembers your cruelty, +100 DS points
  • Return to the Gravestone
  • Speak to HK-55
  • Investigate the Strange Sounds
  • Investigate the Ancient Monolith

Chapter 5: From the Grave

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  • 22,402 credits
  • 749,106 XP
  • Variable amount of LS/DS pts
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Lana Beniko
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Koth Vortena
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with HK-55
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of rating 190 green implants
  • Initial cinematic with Valkorion
Trigger: Valkorion talking about the Gravestone
  1. It's really you.
  2. Is it part of your plan?
  3. Details. Now
Trigger: If you picked It's really you or Is it part of your plan? from above
  1. I'd like to hear more.
  2. I don't fear them.
  3. I didn't sign up for this
Trigger: If you picked Details. Now from above
  1. I'm listening
  2. You have a plan, don't you?
  3. I don't trust you – Valkorion is slightly amused
  • Reach the Bridge
  • Use the Locked Door
  • Fight to the Gravestone's Entrance
  • Defeat the Emptronic Battle Droid
  • Speak to Lana
  • Defeat Incoming Waves of Skytroopers
  • Speak to Lana
  • Defeat Captain Draynon Atrus
    • Draynon will call on waves of Knights of Zakuul for help, including a Zakuul Walker. Luckily Senya will heal you if you do get low on HP.
  • Speak to Lana
Trigger: Valkorion give you the option to use his power
  1. No way [Refuse Power] – Valkorion disapproves, +100 LS pts
  2. Go ahead [Use Valkorion's Power] – Valkorion approves, +100 DS pts
Trigger: Koth praises the Gravestone
  1. Impressive! – Koth approves
  2. What's our destination?
  3. This is my ship – Koth disapproves
  • Operate the Gravestone's Cannon
Trigger: Koth talking about making it to Asylum
  1. What's there?
  2. We're going to an asylum? – Koth is slightly amused, Lana is not amused
  3. We need a better mechanic – Koth disapproves
Trigger: Koth and Senya arguing
  1. Let's get along – Koth/Senya disapproves, Lana approves
  2. Koth, Senya – stop whining – Koth/Senya disapproves
  3. [Let them continue]
  • (Bonus): Gaining Access: Gather Useful Tools: 0/4 (22,402 credits, 71,533 XP)
    • You can find them in the marked area highlighted from the rest

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    • Repair the damaged door
  • Speak to Koth
Trigger: Koth talking about Senya
  1. I'll take her assistance – Koth disapproves
  2. What did she do to you?
  3. I don't trust her – Koth approves
Trigger: Koth reminds you who helped you and Lana
  1. I am grateful you rescued me – Koth appreciates that
  2. [Flirt] You did well – Koth seems interested
  3. I don't owe you anything – Koth disapproves
Trigger: If you picked the Flirt option from above
  1. You're more my type – Koth will remember that
  2. Whatever happens, happens – Koth disapproves
  3. [Lie] I'm not into Lana – Koth will remember that
  • Speak to Lana
Trigger: If you do not use Valkorion's power, Lana is wounded..
  1. Still in pain? – Lana disapproves
  2. Is the dummy a stand in? – Lana is not amused
  3. It's not so bad. Tough it out – Lana approves
Trigger: If you used Valkorion's power and told Lana previously
  1. I know – Lana approves
  2. You were in danger
  3. Don't underestimate me – Lana disapproves
Trigger: If you used Valkorion's power and never told Lana
  1. [Lie] No idea
  2. [Lie] Maybe Senya? – Lana seems intrigued
  3. [Lie] Maybe the Gravestone
Trigger: Lana talking about how she and Senya met
  1. We all need to get along
  2. We need the old paradigm backw
  3. [Flirt]  – Lana approves.  If you picked this option and flirted with Koth previously, Koth will comment on it
  • Speak to Senya/HK-55
Trigger: HK asking if the meatbag bickering has stopped
  1. Listening in?
  2. Yes—finally – HK is greatly amused
  3. Mind your place – HK disapproves
Trigger: Any orders, master?
  1. Do as you will – HK appreciates that
  2. Lend Koth a hand – Koth approves
  3. Look in on Lana – Lana approves
  • Investigate the Dark Sanctuary
Trigger: Senya asks What about you?
  1. I'm trying to save the galaxy – Senya approves
  2. It's my destiny – Senya disapproves
  3. I want revenge – Senya approves

Chapter 6: Asylum

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  • 23,130 credits
  • 757913 XP
  • Variable amount of LS/DS pts
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Lana Beniko
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Koth Vortena
  • Variable amounts of Influence with Senya Tirall
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of rating 190 bracers and belt
  • In the opening cutscene, there are some conversation choices that can affect influence.
Trigger: Koth and Senya arguing and Koth says Figures..
  1. Everyone needs to loosen up – Lana approves
  2. Answer the question, Senya – Koth approves
  3. Leave her alone, Koth – Koth disapproves, Senya approves
Trigger: Koth introducing his crew
  1. You let them pick a fight _ Koth is amused
  2. I shouldn't be surprised – Koth is amused
  3. They were about to be toast – Koth is not amused
Trigger: You saved Ralo and abandoned ship in Chapter 1
  1. You're a long way from home
  2. Good to see you're alive
  3. This isn't what I expected
Trigger: You saved Ralo but rammed the ship in Chapter 1
  1. I'll learn from my mistakes
  2. It was a tough call
  3. Quit whining
Trigger: Koth says his best engineer havn't returned
  1. I'll find her – Koth appreciates that
  2. You want Lana to go look – Koth is concerned
  3. This isn't my problem – Koth is concerned
  • Go to the Free Zone
  • Find Tora
    • Bonus: Peace in the Free Zone: Defeat Free Zone Underbosses 0/4 (72,372 XP). These are the strong named mobs you will find around the Free Zone. Triggered when you kill any of the underbosses
  • Defeat Oggo
  • Find Tora
Trigger: HK talking about break Tanno Vik's arms
  1. We pay, Tora leaves. Period – 100 LS ponts, Tora approves
  2. Settle this peacefully, folks – 100 LS points, Tora disapproves
  3. No deal [Kill Tanno Vik] – 100 DS points
  • Locate Senya
Trigger: Heskal talking about Fate and Force
  1. Lets' work together/Sounds good to me – Heskal approves
  2. Do you? Really?/ I don't believe in fate – Heskal disapproves
  3. The Force is overrated/Focus on my power
Trigger: Heskal want to test you
  1. So be it – Senya approves
  2. I've been challenge before
  3. Are you threatening me?
  • Defeat Maral
  • Defeat Tersu
  • Enter the Next Training Chamber
    • If you kill Tanno Vik, Heskal will comment on this.
Trigger: Heskal asks if you feel anything for those who suffered
  1. Of course I do – Senya approves
  2. Arcann will face justice – Senya disapproves
  3. I want revenge, not regrets – Senya disapproves
  • Defeat Vanat
  • Defeat Berusal
  • Enter the Meditation Chamber
Trigger: Heskal asks what you will do about Arcann
  1. There's been enough death – Senya approves, Heskal disapproves
  2. Senya? – Valkorion seems intrigued
  3. I'll destroy him – Senya disapproves, Heskal approves
  • Defeat Heskal
Trigger: Valkorion wants to lend you his power
  1. [Refuse Valkorion's power] – 100 LS points, Valkorion will remember your action
  2. [Wield Valkorion's power] – 100 DS points, Valkorion approves, gain 3 abilities on your temporary ability bar.
  • Confront Heskal
Trigger: After defeating Heskal
  1. I'm willing to join forces – Senya approves
  2. We can find other allies – Senya disapproves
  3. My power is greater/Guilt clouds your judgment – Senya will remember that
Trigger: Heskal assks what future you see for this galaxy
  1. We'll figure it out
  2. The Republic will fix things
  3. I'll be in full control
Trigger: If you didn't tell Lana about Valkorion and Heskal reveals it
  1. You're right – Lana approves
  2. I was confused
  3. No, you didn't – Lana disapproves
Trigger: If you told Lana about Valkorion and Heskal reveals it. Then Koth will ask about it
  1. We had to take precautions
  2. [Flirt] Secrets are good – Koth seems interested
  3. Yes exactly – Koth will remember that

Chapter 7: Lady of Sorrows

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  • 23,130 credits
  • 757,913 XP
  • Variable amount of LS/DS pts
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Lana Beniko
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Koth Vortena
  • Variable amounts of Influence with Senya Tirall
  • Variable amounts of Influence with T7-01
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of rating 190 feet and hands
  • Initial Cutscene
Trigger: Senya says she has to end their bloodshed
  1. Then welcome aboard – Senya approves
  2. Were you in love with Valkorion? – Senya is amused
  3. You couldn't have done worse – Senya disapproves
Trigger: Senya talking about Lady of Sorrows
  1. Good, we can have a chat – Lana approves, Senya is amused
  2. Isn't it dangerous to return? – Senya ia amused
  3. I don't trust you, but okay – Koth approves, Lana/Senya disapproves
Trigger: Lana says you must act as an example
  1. I will try – Lana approves
  2. Do you trust them?
  3. You let Senya deceive you – Lana disapproves
  • Check the Power Generator
  • Check the Primary Fuse Box
  • Locate a Fuse
  • Repair the Fuse
    • Bonus: Clean-up Detail – Check and Repair Faulty Fuses: 0/8 (26,692 credits, 72.372 XP). These boxes are all over the ship so you have to check multiple rooms. If the fuse is faulty you will need to repair it to get credit.

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  • Take the Shuttle to Zakuul
Trigger: Senya talking about Valkorion
  1. Tell me about you and Valkorion – Senya is amused
  2. Let's keep moving (this will skip some of the convos below)
Trigger: If you tell Senya to tell you more about her and Valkorion
  1. I can understand that
  2. [Flirt] Just like you
  3. So he was smug and ruthless
Trigger: Senya talking about Vaylin
  1. She was that bad?
  2. We don't have to discuss this – Senya appreciates that
  3. Hardly surprising – Senya disapproves
Trigger: Senya talking about leaving her children
  1. I'm so sorry – Senya appreciates that
  2. What did Valkorion do?
  3. Coward – Senya will remember that
Trigger: T7-01 coming in
  1. Find out anything new?
  2. You really get around – T7 approves
  3. Get to the status report – T7 disapproves
  • Exit the Undercity Resource Network
    • Bonus: No Cameras: Take out Security Cameras: 0/7 (26,692 credits, 72.372 XP). The security cameras are up on the gateways between the areas.


    • A bit inside you will find a force shield blocking your way but there are panels you can disable to gain further access to the Undercity network, You will need to do this each time you spot a force shield.


  • Exit the Tram Service Tunnels
  • Use the City Directory
Trigger: Senya need to go alone to a contact
  1. On the job now?
  2. Be quick – Senya greatly approves
  3. Alone? Nope
  • Command T7 at Surveillance Feed 1
  • Command T7 at Surveillance Feed 2
  • Use the Access Terminal
Trigger: Valkorion speaking to you about Senya
  1. Glad she did – Valkorion approves
  2. Out of necessity, not trust – Valkorion disapproves
  3. You're manipulative – Valkorion is amused
  • Command T7 at Surveillance Feed 3
  • Command T7 at the Last Feed
  • Use the Local Passcode Terminal
  • Help Senya in the Cantina
  • Defeat Aitan and the Heralds of Zildrog 0/3
  • Talk to Reg
Trigger: Senya says you know what I can do.
  1. Stop hurting him – Senya disapproves, 50 LS points
  2. She's the nice one – Senya approves, 50 DS points
  3. [Say nothing]
  • Travel to the Tram Market
  • Talk to the Bystander
Trigger: Mona telling you about the Lady of Sorrow
  1. Appreciate it – Senya approves
  2. No more scamming people – Senya approves
  • Take the Tram to Breaktown
Trigger: Senya talking about the Heralds
  1. We have to try
  2. What can we offer them? – Senya is amused
  3. We'll make them talk – Senya approves
  • Travel to the Gate Entrance
Trigger: Making a decision on who to bring to meet the Herald
  1. I'm taking Senya – Koth/Senya will remember your actions
  2. I'm taking Koth – Koth/Senya will remember your actions
  • Go to the Stronghold
  • Talk to the Exalted
Trigger: If you bring Senya to talk to the Exalted about meeting Lady of Sorrows
  1. Be reasonable, Exalted – Senya disapproves
  2. Let me clarify [Threaten him] – Senya approves
Trigger: If you bring Koth to talk to the Exalted
  1. We are strong – Koth approves
  2. I'll kill him – Koth approves
  3. [Let Koth speak] – Koth approves
  • Defeat the Exalted's Heralds 0/4
  • Take the Lift to Midtown
  • Find a way to Shut Down the Security Grid
    • Bonus: Street Sweeper. Defeat Heralds of Zildrog 0/25 (26,692 credits, 72.372 XP)
  • Enter the Razor
  • Destroy the East Side Generator
  • Gain Access to the Razor
  • Get inside the Razor
  • Defeat Xon and the Heralds of Zildrog
  • Take the Penthouse Lift
  • Talk to Novo
Trigger: Novo says I know I would find you
  1. You shouldn't be here – Senya/Koth approves
  2. I recognize one of you – Koth approves/Senya disapproves
  3. Have we met? – Senya disapproves/Koth approves
  • Defeat Novo
  • Defeat Balisk
  • Finish off Balisk
Trigger: Novo says I don't need to be a scion to see your epitaph
  1. Not true [Knock them out] – Senya/Koth approves, 50 LS points
  2. Better than yours [kill them] – Senya/Koth disapproves, 50 DS points
  • Use the Penthouse Lift
Trigger: If you took Senya with you and find Koth alive
  1. Glad you're okay – Koth appreciates that
  2. How did the Lady capture you?
  3. [Lie] Senya was concerned – Senya is not amused
Trigger: If you took Koth with you and find Senya alive
  1. That make two of us – Senya appreciates that
  2. Lucky is right – Senya disapproves
  3. [Lie] That makes three of us – Koth is not amused

Chapter 8: Taking Flight

Spoiler Inside SelectShow




  • 23,865 credits
  • Variable amount of LS/DS pts
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Lana Beniko
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Koth Vortena
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with T7-01
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of rating 190 head and legs
  • Initial Cutscene
Trigger: Scorpio wants full access to the ship
  1. Explain how you'd do that.
  2. I'll consider it – Koth disapproves, Scorpio approves
  3. Absolutely not – Scorpio disapproves
Trigger: Lana asking for an alliance with Republic and Empire
  1. Good, I'm glad to hear it – Lana approves
  2. You should've asked me first – Lana disapproves
  3. We don't need those fools – Lana disapproves
Trigger: Lana talking about zealots are unpredictable by nature
  1. I can handle him
  2. [Flirt] You'll keep me safe – Lana approves
  3. So am I.
  • Speak with the Scion Heskal
Trigger: Arcann says don't make me wait
  1. [Lie] I surrender
  2. I accept your terms, Arcann – Valkorion greatly disapproves
  3. [Attack Arcann] – Valkorion approves
  • Defeat Arcann
  • Talk to Arcann
Trigger: Lana asks if you are alive
  1. For the moment
  2. Stop bothering me
Trigger: Lana tells you the Gravestone is under siege
  1. I'm on my way – Lana approves
  2. You're on your own – Lana disapproves
  • Escape the Scion's Enclave Ruins
  • Defeat the Knights of Zakuul
  • Speak with Heskal
Trigger: Talking to Heskal about Scions
  1. Your betrayal is taking lives
  2. Tell me how to save them – T7-01 approves
  3. I plan to kill them
  • Escape to the Gravestone
  • Speak with Lana
  • Meet with Koth
Trigger: Koth hears that Vaylin is at the ship
  1. Focus on our mission – Lana approves
  2. Go to them, if you want – Lana disapproves
  3. [Lie] Your people are fine – Koth approves, Lana remember that you lied
  • Take a Shuttle to Control Spar
  • Defeat the Walker
  • Take a Shuttle to Control Spar
Trigger: Koth talking about the Emperor
  1. I don't want his help – Koth disapproves
  2. You hero-worshipping a monster – Koth disapproves
  3. [Lie] We're working on a plan – Koth approves
Trigger: Koth says it is an honor to fight alongside you
  1. Stay close. We're a team – Koth approves
  2. [Flirt] Flatterer – Koth approves
  3. Don't fail me – Koth disapproves
  • Meet up with HK-55
  • Defeat Zakuul Invaders
  • Speak to HK-55
Trigger: Koth tell you to get the Gravestone flying
  1. No unnecessary heroics, Koth.
  2. [Flirt] You're my champion – Koth approves, Lana disapproves
  3. Have a meaningful death
  • Get to the Control Spar
  • Use the Docking Controls to Release the Gravestone
  • Defeat Arcann
  • Speak with Arcann
Trigger: Valkorion says you need his power
  1. I'll defat you both-alone – 150 LS points, Valkorion greatly disapproves
  2. Give me your power – 150 DS points – Valkorion greatly approves
Trigger: If you picked the option to not use Valkorion's power
  1. Thanks for the save
  2. [Flirt] I'll live, for you – Koth approves
  3. My mission was a success
  • Escape to the Gravestone
Trigger: If you picked the option to not use Valkorion's power
  1. I'll be fine/I've had worse
  2. My duel took a bad turn/The battle took a lot from me
  3. Don't make me kill you/Force choke (Force-choke will cause Koth to disapprove and Tora to remember your cruelty)
Trigger: If you didn't use Valkorion's power
  1. Valkorion must have saved me – Lana is concerned
  2. How long was I out? – Lana is slightly amused
  3. Don't coddle me – Koth/Lana disapproves
Trigger: if you picked the option to use Valkorion's power
  1. Valkorion's power tore me up – Koth approves, Lana disapproves
  2. How long was I out?
  3. Don't coddle me
Trigger: Lana talking about HK
  1. He was a hero to the end
  2. Did he have a memory backup?
  3. It was just a droid – Lana disapproves

Chapter 9: The Alliance

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  • 23,865 credits
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Lana Beniko
  • Variable amounts of Influence Gain with Koth Vortena
  • Variable amounts of Influence with T7-01
  • Variable amounts of Influence with Theran Shan
  • Variable amounts of Influence with Senya Tirall
  • +200 Influence with Alliance Specialists
  • 10 Common Data Crystal
  • Choice of rating 190 chest
  • Initial Cutscene
Trigger: Lana tells you this is your new alliance
  1. Nice Work – Lana approves
  2. I'm not in charge – Lana/Koth approves
  3. Pathetic – Koth approves/Lana disapproves
Trigger: Theron Shan showing up
  1. Of course – I'm glad you're here – Theron approves
  2. Not really/Spying for us now? – Theron is amused
  3. You again? Ugh – Theron disapproves
Trigger: Theron says it has been a long five years
  1. Tell me
  2. [Flirt] You changed – Theron approves
  3. I havn't
  • Head to the Alliance War Room
Trigger: After you have been introduced to all the specialists
  1. Greetings, Stay Back Doctor – All but Oggurobb approves
  2. Which big questions?
  3. You all work for me – All but Oggurobb disapproves
Trigger: Theron asking if you have any questions
  1. No, thank you.
  2. [Flirt] When can we talk? – Theron approves
  3. No. Get back to work
  • Speak to Doctor Oggurobb
Trigger: Picking I'm surprised you're helping us. I though Hutts maintained neutrality
  1. Consider me inspired – Oggurobb approves
  2. I apologize for misjudging you – Oggurobb aproves
  3. We were talking about standing against the Eternal Empire's technology?
  4. I'm not here to listen to you whine – Oggurobb wil remember that
  • Speak to Bey'wan Aygo (regardless which choice you pick, you will gain +200 influence)
Trigger: Empire players talking to Aygo
  1. Likewise, Admiral. I look forward to working together – Aygo approves
  2. [Agent background] Aygo. You were a fleet admiral at Kuat – Your action will be remembered
  3. It doesn't quite sound like it's a pleasure to you – Aygo appreciates your honesty
  4. You know, I've never really liked Bothans – Aygo disapproves
  5. I can't believe we're trusting our military command to a Republic Officer
  • Speak to Hylo Visz (regardless which choice you pick, you will gain +200 influence)
  1. So, explain to me who are you again? – Hylo seems amused
  2. Just stopping by to have a look at things – Hylo seems intrigued
  3. Ugh. What a rabble…- Hylo disapproves
  4. If I didn't know better, I'd say you're running a massive smuggling ring out of our base – Hylo seems amused
  • Speak to Sana-Rae (regardless which choice you pick, you will gain +200 influence)
  1. The Alliance is honored to have your support – Sana approves
  2. I'm grateful for any assistance – is there any more the Voss could contribute? – Sana approves
  3. We're facing down the Eternal Empire, and this is all the Voss could spare? Pitiful – Sana disapproves
  • Relax in the Cantina
Trigger: Lana says I wasn't sure you'd attend
  1. Wouldn't miss it – Koth/Lana approves
  2. I'm not the party type? – Lana is amused
  3. We should be working – Koth disapproves, Theron approves
Trigger: I need to see one of you (The choices below depends on your relationship with the characters. If one of them hates you, you won't get to talk to them)
  1. I need to see one of you.
    1. Koth –Koth apporoves
    2. Lana – Lana approves
    3. Theron – Theron approves
  2. [Flirt] I need to see one of you.
    1. Koth – Koth approves
    2. Lana – Lana approves
    3. Theron – Theron approves
Trigger: I need to see one of you – Koth
  1. Good Job – Koth approves
  2. I hope so – Koth approves
  3. Work your crew harder – Koth disapproves
Trigger: [Flirt] I need to see one of you – Koth
  1. [Flirt[ I'm okay with that – Koth approves, begin romance
  2. We'll work well together – Koth approves
  3. Help me watch for traitors
Trigger: I need to see one you – Koth
  1. We'll work well together – Koth approves
  2. Help me watch for traitors
  3. Don't you dare compare us – Koth disapproves
Trigger: [Flirt] I need to see one of you – Lana
  1. [Flirt] It isn't important – Lana approves, begin romance
  2. Only with your help – Lana approves
  3. I don't buy it
Trigger: I need to see one of you – Lana
  1. Only with your help – Lana approves
  2. I don't buy it
  3. Just don't screw up – Lana disapproves
Trigger: [Flirt] I need to see one of you – Theron
  1. [Flirt] Everything? – Theron approves
  2. I know – Theron approves
  3. Watch the new ones – Theron approves
Trigger: I need to see one of you – Theron
  1. I know – Theron approves
  2. Watch the new ones – Theron approves
  3. You had better – Theron disapproves
Trigger: Koth talking about Senya
  1. She has a point
  2. Let Koth work it out – Koth approves, Lana disapproves
  3. This is a party – Koth disapproves
Trigger: Lana says reminds me of my advisor days
  1. Good to be your ally, all – Lana/Theron/Koth approves
  2. I'm going to find Senya – Koth approves
  3. Get working, everyone – Theron approves
  • Find Senya
Trigger: Senya says everyone want to stand behind you
  1. It's not enough – Senya approves
  2. Its my destiny – Senya disapproves
  3. What's really on your mind? – Senya is amused
Trigger: Valorion talking to you
  1. I have no regrets – Valkorion approves
  2. It's a blur – Valkorion disapproves
  3. Not going to read my thoughts? – Valkorion is amused
  • Go to the Alliance War Room
Trigger: Lana says it is your first official speech as Alliance Commander
  1. I'm honored – Lana is greatly amused
  2. About time
  3. I didn't agree to that role – Lana is greatly amused

MMO guide writer and blogger. Currently playing and covering SWTOR, GW2, and TSW.

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